What Is Customer Relationship Management?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a set of practices and strategies that businesses employ to manage relationships with customers throughout the sales cycle. It involves the use of technology, tools and processes that collect and analyze data on prospects and customers.

The aim is to improve customer service and boost revenue. A CRM system equips sales reps with detailed data on potential customers, their purchasing past and can provide support teams all the data they need to resolve problems quickly. The best CRM systems come with marketing capabilities built-in that allow companies to send targeted messages to potential buyers and customers based on the interactions they’ve had with the company.

It is essential to know the differences between the various CRM systems available. A few of the most popular systems integrate with ERP software (ERP), while others are standalone solutions. To get the best results, you should choose an option that is seamless with your existing martech stack and is able to handle a variety of tasks.

When a business has implemented the correct CRM system, it will help to create positive image for the brand that improves customer loyalty and drives sales. It is essential to establish relationships with customers who are loyal as they are more likely than not to recommend your products or services to their friends and colleagues. Customer advocacy programs are a great way to encourage customers to stay loyal.

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